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Words of mine

Sometimes a brief acquaintance could leave a much deeper print than a real friendship would.

It's that they were friends once & now strangers, that they can't move on.

I would've been different if only I knew. I never knew. Maybe I'll never know.

Difficult it is, to smile firmly when your heart is trembling.

Looking away when all you desire is to look back is a struggle, a battle that only few can win in.

Your memories hold you back, your ambitions push you forward. Follow your dreams but don't let go of the old days.

and finally...

Everyone comes into this world with a little star in their hearts. Some sense it, appreciate it and surround it with goodness. Others sheild their eyes from its brightness to protect themselves, not knowing that the strong light hurts, yes, but carries all what is good and pure.

jannah ... welcome back .. nice quotes..

wa ne3ma 2el kalam....


"It's that they were friends once & now strangers, that they can't move on."

That's probably one of the best quotes I've read in YEARS. OMG. It's so true.

"Looking away when all you desire is to look back is a struggle, a battle that only few can win in."

I know this battle. Something I'm so familiar with.

Don't be that long gone, Jannah.

Salateeno, 2aloo2a, Mitar2a3,

We're all from different places but with the same struggle. Wishing you and myself an end for that inner battle.

Kol sana wento tayebeen everyone!

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Not much

  • I'm Jannah
  • From Cairo, Egypt
  • If I am as honest as I know how to be, I may discover here as I write, day after day, something in myself, something of my own nature... that I might otherwise not be aware of...
That's it

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